Mamotreto Wilfred
Julia Creuheras

Reality maker machine 2
Fractal wings
Undressing truth machine
Vaig peix
Marca el paso del tiempo
pero con los pies
Fuente de talismanes
Renarrating Tate Modern
Summer Boredom
Camera vs Camera
Dystopian hygienic technological world
Reality maker machine
Sculptural Piece made of wood and clay. The machine is activated by rotating a gear. The gear makes loads of spoons turn around the person.As the spoons turn around,
they hit clay ears which create an evolving sound. also, there are two eyes that illuminate the situation. the ears create the sound, the eyes create the image.
With this machine I wanted to express the idea that we create the reality around us with our 5 senses, but it doesen’t exist as we percieve it. it exists as a seething mass of energy and probability.
Piece shown on March 2017 at CGP Gallery.