Mamotreto Wilfred
Julia Creuheras

Reality maker machine 2
Fractal wings
Undressing truth machine
Vaig peix
Marca el paso del tiempo
pero con los pies
Fuente de talismanes
Renarrating Tate Modern
Summer Boredom
Camera vs Camera
Dystopian hygienic technological world
Undressing truth machine
This piece is made out of wood, motors, a violin, metal pipes, fabric, a lightbulb and three projectors.
The violin and the metal pipes play themselves with two motors and they are hidden inside a wood pentagon covered with fabric.
For a minute, the projectors project a video of an eye blinking on the fabric making it impossible to see what is inside.
After this minute, the projectors are covered with a piece of fabric moved by a motor and a light inside the pentagon is tured on, allowing visibility.
Through this piece I try to arise questions about how visibility may be more fidel to reality when the eyes are closed.

The machine was exhibited at Camberwell College of Arts on June2018.