Mamotreto Wilfred
Julia Creuheras

Reality maker machine 2
Fractal wings
Undressing truth machine
Vaig peix
Marca el paso del tiempo
pero con los pies
Fuente de talismanes
Renarrating Tate Modern
Summer Boredom
Camera vs Camera
Dystopian hygienic technological world
Julia Creuheras is a Barcelona-Based Artist working across kinetic sculptures to embody basic concepts of Quantumn Mechanics. Through her work she tries to dismantle the agents of production of knowledge that intrinsically intra-connect (entangle) us with the nature of reality; to define the concept of truth as a notion enclosed in a human paradigm. Showing then, that we are not passive viewers of an independent objective reality but active creators of it.

She studied a BA Fine Art in Camberwell College of Arts (London) and then she did an MA in Computing Arts in Goldsmiths (London).

As said before, the themes that she explores through her work are perception of reality against reality as such. Light, sound, movement, space and time; they cycle through us to become their own entity inside each of us. She continuously asks herself how are things without being digested or perceived by a human; how are things as such? Although we are living in a carnal human prison and there may no be outside that we can know; there is a boundary, a link. Therefore, she plays with that link.

She mostly works with wood, metal, recycled materials and motors. Her work is also an ode to technology. She deprives technology of any utility, to undress her of anything that could distract the attention from the mechanisms themselves. Her pieces are always drunk of absurdism and surrealism.